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Thank you for your interest in the California State Fair Commercial Craft Brew Competition organized by California State Fair, Sacramento, CA.

You only need to register your information once and can return to this site to enter more brews or edit the brews you've entered. You can even pay your entry fees online if you wish.

If you are willing to judge or steward, please return to register on or after Friday, December 31, 2021 4:00 PM, PST.


Brewers must be Official residents of California

Please see Entry Guidebook for detailed entry requirements.

Entry Registration & Fees

  1. Entry Registration: All entry registration(s) and fee(s) must be received by Sunday, May 11,2025, by 5:00 pm.
  2. Entry Fees: Entry fees are $65.00 per entry. Payment must be made via PayPal.
    a. Please pay on our registration site at

General Information

  1. Additional Information: Should there be any need for additional information not found in the guide, please email
  2. Revisions: Guide is sent out in advance and therefore may be subject to revision or change.
  3. Mailing List and Notification: Although we try to keep mailing lists current, we cannot be held responsible for any individual or company that is not notified or contacted

Entry Acceptance Rules

Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 4

  1. Entries may be bottled, canned, crowlers, in growlers or kegged in either Cornelius or Sankey kegs.

  2. Beer: At least 51% of the fermentable carbohydrates must be derived from malted grains. Beverages made with malt substitutes, honey, fruit or fruit juices, or anything other than malted grains as the majority of fermentable sugars are not eligible to participate.

  3. Cider: At least 51% of the fermentable carbohydrates must be derived from apples or apple juice

  4. Kombucha: Must contain black or green tea. Beverages without tea will be considered a hard seltzer.

  5. Brewers are limited to three entries per category.

  6. No single brewing location nor a group that owns multiple breweries may enter more than a total of 20 beers combined. A beer brand may not be renamed and entered into multiple categories, however the same beer brand can be entered into multiple categories. A separate entry fee must paid for each additional category entered, and the minimum bottle, can, crowler, growler, or keg requirements still apply. Also you must not exceed the 20 maximum total entry limit.

  7. Do not remove any commercial bottle labels. Do not black out any commercial or identifying designs or text on caps of entries. Attach bottle labels to kegs in a secure manner allowing them to be easily read by competition officials so that appropriate code numbers can be placed on the keg. Shipping tape appears to have worked well. It helps to put them in plastic baggies also

  8. Attach the bottle entry forms that can be generated out of the Commercial Competition website, only entry forms found in the database will be accepted. Attach to each bottle with CLEAR packaging tape. No Rubber Bands! Place bottle label on kegs so it may be easily read when processed, please use plastic bags to keep forms dry.

  9. An official entry shall consist of one of the following:
    a. Four (4) 12/16/20 oz. bottles or cans
    b. Four (4) 22/24 oz. bottles or cans
    c. One (1) Cornelius or Sankey keg not to exceed 7.5 gallons
    d. Four (4) 16 oz. or greater Crowlers
    e. Two (2) 64 oz. Growlers

Competition Officials

You can send an email to any of the following individuals via Contact.

  • Rob Rogers — Competition Coordinator
  • David Teckam — Head Judge